The London Plane tree: my favourite tree

The London Plane tree comes from the Platanaceae family. It has more than seven varieties and the tree that I usually work with is Platanusx Hispanica.

It is known for the leafy shade it provides and we can find it in cities and towns from the centre and south of Europe.

They can grow to 25 and 30 metres and live several centuries. Commonly, the plantingis in line or side by side in avenues.

London Plane tree wood

Napoleon and the Legend of the London plane tree

Legend tells us that Napoleon ordered the planting of this tree in a place known as Dehesa de Girona. The story goes on to say its wood was so strong and does not shatter, that it was used to make oars, butchers table, etc.

Where I live, in Barcelona, just a few trees reach a centuryas the undersoil does not have the right factors and conditionsto encourage strong growth; the pollution, I suppose, could also be a contributing factor to limited development.

Beyond wood, a story to remember:

The wood that I use to create my designs has a story to tell… it is from a London Plane Tree that I cut down with my dad more than a decade ago in Begues, a small town where I used to live when I was a child. Now, when I carve it, vivid moments come to mind from my recent past.

One of the features that this woodis the different possibilities it offers. Its utility comes from the various jobs it can do. For example, the vertical part is very good for cabinetmaking, furniture, and, in the past, makingoars for ships. The wood from the top and branches is perfect to work with the wood lathe and for carving.

Another of the features is the large variety of different tones and this wood is a pleasure to working with when applyingdye and varnish.